What I've Been Doing--Official Editing
In an earlier blog post, I distinguished between my "official" editing and the editing I do out of love for my family and I've been incredibly busy (for me) with official editing. The third Paul Bechtold Library open access monograph was just published and you can read it—for free as an open access book or purchase a print on demand copy on Amazon for $14.99. The title is Reconciling Cultures and Generations: Reflections on Today's Church by Korean American Catholics , edited by Simon Kim and Francis Daeshin Kim, copyedited (maybe really a bit more than copyedited!) by me. I'm incredibly proud of how terrific this book has turned out to be, especially with such a lovely cover created by Francis Daeshin Kim with photos from Kevin Considine who I know a bit! I've started on the next bit of editing, a collection of 14 or so essays on Contextual Theology by faculty from the theology school at Santa Clara University. They are basically riffing off a book...