National Velvet by Enid Bagnold
The second horse book I read for A Century of Books was National Velvet (my 1935 book). I didn’t set out to read two horse books, like I didn’t set out to read two holiday books or two travels in mid-twentieth-century in Europe. I find it hard to believe I have never read National Velvet before; however, I did realize why once I picked it up and started reading it. But I wanted to understand why it was considered a classic and has been reprinted so many times. I honestly could hardly make it through to the end. I was interested in what the outcome would be but it took so long to get there! I know Enid Bagnold had a huge reputation and following, but I don’t see it. Maybe because I was never inclined to read horse books. I found reading her to be mighty tedious and overwrought. I found the way she wrote the dialect to be extremely annoying. I found everything about it to be implausible except for maybe the relationship between the mother and Velvet. Maybe I just was not pr...