Old Sam and the Horse Thieves by Don Alonzo Taylor
This is the first of two horse books I have already read this year. I am not particularly a fan of horse books, nor was I as a girl. I think I read more about girls who were into pony books than actual pony books! However, I like a good story and some horse books provide a rollicking story. I had read the first of this series, Old Sam, Dakota Trotter, several years ago and liked the characters. Stories of young people living in other time periods and cultures have a way of transporting me to a different life. Bethlehem Books , the publisher, is a publishing company that started many years ago with reprints of classic children’s and YA books that had gone out of print, most of them historical fiction. This was before the days of ebooks and my daughter and I share many print copies of their earlier books. Now they are making most of their books available as ebooks for $4.95, a price I can get behind! I go to their website periodically to see if they have anything new and t...