
Showing posts from September, 2011

Guest Blogs--Theological Reflections on Wikipedia

So I gave my students an assignment to read Wikipedia and the Death of the Expert and to write a short theological reflection as a blog post. Here are a couple of good ones--the first from Paul, an Aussie priest, and the second from Nhien, a Vietnamese SVD student.  WIKIPEDIA AND FIRE In ten seconds or less, think of 5 THINGS ABOUT FIRE…. I bet you included something good and something dire! Hold that thought. Names like Gutenberg , Edison and Armstrong … and labels like Industrial, Renaissance and Modern all mark human unfolding. But fire , just think of IT . Making IT unleashed technology , movement and the SHARING OF STORY, like never before. Humans now lived out of caves and over mountain and plain, safe from beasts amidst barriers of fire. No more sent to bed by the sun; no more confined by the day. AND SO let story tellers tell in the night ‘round the glow; let the children ask and jostle to know; let newfound dreams such doings sow.   To ...